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                Hours: Wed - Sun   12pm - 6pm
Gloucester's Friendly Music Store
(978) 281-7000

Acoustic Jam Sessions
All Jam Sessions & Workshops Are On Hold Indefinitely.  I've tried numerous times to restart, but there is a definite lack of interest.  I think it is probably due to Covid, because these were all well attended prior to the pandemic.  I have attempted all 3 kinds of jams in 2023 with the highest attendance being one person.  I will give it another go, but not for a while.

Slow Jam Workshop - Every Tuesday 7:30 - 9:30 pm; Beginner/Intermediate
for those who want to learn more about playing with others, low pressure, slower tempo with some guidance & instruction tailored to those attending. cost-$15  
This Jam Workshop runs year around, but check back for a possible one time cancellation.  If the instructor has to cancel it will be posted here, but sometimes on short notice.

Acoustic Jam (style wide open) 1st & 3rd Sundays of the month
time: 2 - 5pm $5 cover Advanced Intermediate/Advanced We try not to play any bluegrass at these jams
This Jam runs through the winter.  It begins after Thanksgiving and ends at the end of April.    
Please read over our "rules of the road" before attending by clicking here. 

Bluegrass Jam 2nd & 4th Sundays of the month -   
time: 2 - 5pm $5 cover​ Advanced Intermediate/Advanced
​When we have a large turnout, we split the jam into two sessions (one in the front room and one back in the "Pickers' Tent"
This Jam runs through the winter.  It begins after Thanksgiving and ends at the end of April.
Please read over our "rules of the road" before attending by clicking here.